Multi-Faced Targeting Options
Refine your target audience and achieve higher returns on Instagram advertising with advanced targeting options such as location and interests. Learn how to focus on specific interests like robotics instead of a broader audience interested in technology.
Superior Engagement
According to a Forrester study, Instagram has 10 times the engagement rate of Facebook, making it a highly effective advertising platform. High engagement rates lead to better advertising results, allowing businesses to target the right audience and drive clicks, likes, and sales.
Higher Order Values
Various studies found that the normal order value for an Instagram advertiser is $65. Though Facebook ranks a bit higher in social media sales, the average value of the order is around $50 which is less than Instagram.
Better Conversion Rates
Instagram ads have higher conversion rates than other networks, with an average rate of 1.08%. Compared to Pinterest's 0.54% and Twitter's 0.77%, Instagram is a more effective platform for advertising. However, creating and optimizing a great ad campaign is essential for achieving promising outcomes with Instagram ads.